Parent & Child Programs
Parent & Child Programs
During the first three years of life, a child’s brain absorbs more information from the environment than at any other part of their lifetime. Every sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell is taken in and processed. It is an amazing, wondrous period in a tiny, complete human being’s life.
Our unique Early Education program is for both parents and children, and is designed to support the child’s natural curiosity to learn based on trust in the child’s natural abilities.
The carefully designed classroom contains inviting spaces for children to explore and immerse themselves in age appropriate developmental activities which support their learning.
Each area in the space is constructed with a purpose such as “caring for self” while supporting the four foundations of learning:
– Movement
– Communication
– Independence
– Self-discipline
Throughout our programs, children are provided with hands-on learning opportunities that are active, self-paced, and based on real-world experiences.
As they observe their children, parents are then offered practical suggestions on applying Montessori principles in the home.

Programs available

Nest (Pregnancy)
For parents starting on the parenting journey be it their first or subsequent pregnancy. This program is offered as a one on one workshop, group workshop for couples or a gathering of mothers. Topics covered include:
-The first hour and the importance of attachment;
-Physical and the emotional needs of the birth mother;
-Developmental appropriate toys and mobiles.

Newborn (0-4 months)
These small group sessions will help you build a supportive network and connect with like-minded families. Every week while your child is immersed in the carefully constructed play space, you will have the chance to observe, connect and ask questions with our Montessori educators.

(4-15 Months)
Termly x 1.5 hour weekly group sessions
Children begin to comprehend their surroundings and their place within it, during this important age.
As a child is busy exploring, they gain independence and confidence in themselves and their abilities.
In our Baby Program, the child is free to explore the developmentally appropriate space whilst the carer observes how their child interacts with their surroundings and learns the benefits of the Montessori Philosophy during this important age.

Infant Program
(15-20 Months)
Termly x 1.5 hour weekly group sessions
During this age, your child is on a journey of discovery as they move from crawling to standing and then walking. Their once-preoccupied hands are now free to explore. Your child leverages their newfound confidence and develops a level of refinement that allows us to introduce them to simple ‘practical life’ activities.
Your child will revel in water play, learn practical life skills and explore the carefully set up environment which nurtures their development.
At the session’s conclusion, the carer and guide will share observations and learnings as well as practical ways to support their child in the home.

Toddler Program
(20-36 Months)
Termly x 1.5 hour weekly group sessions
In these classes, we have two qualified Montessori Guides who work alongside your child whilst you can sit back and observe. It is a chance to see your child in a setting designed for their needs and to truly see the child’s capability.
You will receive a workbook at the beginning of the term with a different topic to observe each week. Topics include movement, self-discipline, sharing, language, praise, toileting and much more!
At the conclusion of the session, the carers and the guide will come together and share observations and learnings from the session.
The Prepared Environment
Our classrooms have been purposefully and beautifully designed to foster natural development. Beginning with our “freedom to explore” philosophy, infants are never confined in walkers, jumpers, or swings! This environment supports the child’s natural inclination for movement, discovery, and sensorial exploration.
Here your child can build a strong foundation of trust in environment and trust in self, allowing them to grow into secure children with strong self-esteem.
Their natural curiosity, desire to explore, and discover their world with a sense of wonder – comes alive here. Their sense of self grows as they establish independence that comes from being able to explore in a supported Montessori environment.