New Outdoor Learning Space Open!

We have a new outdoor learning space and a new date for the Planting Working Bee!
Today we welcome all back to School for 2018 with the Stage 1/2 playground transformed into a beautiful outdoor learning environment.
The first stage of works has largely been structural elements like decks, shades and new surface treatments but we also want to make sure it is green and beautiful for the children in the new year. Here is where we would like to ask for your kind assistance.
Plant donations
Firstly we are asking for donations of plants and large plant pots. The plants could be something you have in your garden that you could divide, an old pot of something that really needs to go in the ground or perhaps some veggie seedlings from the garden centre.
So we can coordinate the planting into a good mix and do not get too much of the same things, we ask that you email any offerings to Amanda Reynolds at [email protected]. Amanda will forward these to School parent and Landscape Architect, Esther. It would be great if you could contact Amanda by the 5th of February.
Esther will coordinate a planting plan and get back to each person accepting or declining the offered plants and also let you know about pick up / delivery arrangements. If you’re not sure of a plant name a few photos (overall and close up) would be fine. Photos of pots would be appreciated also.
Planting Working Bee on Sunday 18th of February (NEW DATE!)
Secondly, we will be holding a planting working bee. The landscape team from Scott Carver will be on hand to help out for those who don’t feel they have green fingers. Children will be welcome to join in too of course!
The Working Bee will be held on Sunday 18th of February with the gates open from 8:00am. Later starters will be welcomed also!
If you are able to offer some of your valuable time and actively contribute to our children’s learning environment, please email Amanda Reynolds at [email protected], with the volunteer names and available times, so that she can keep you up to date with the details.
Yalbalinga open to all!
To better reflect the multiple and varied uses of the new outdoor learning space we are launching it to all ages of students at ISMS and with a name – Yalbalinga, which means ‘to learn’ in Wiradjuri. The Wiradjuri are the largest Aboriginal group in NSW and once occupied a vast area in central NSW, on the plains running north and south to the west of the Blue Mountains.
Yalbalinga was the name of the first Stage 3 class at ISMS.
Again I thank you all for the vast efforts and contributions over the last few years to increase our fundraising revenue which is playing a significant part in the creation of this new space.
Thank you also in advance for your kind support for any donations of plants, pots and time.
Kindest regards,
Zoe Ezzard