Our new School Library is open!

This week saw the opening to children of the ISMS Library after a long period of establishment and organisation. The Library, on the ground floor of the main building at the Balmain campus, next to the Nangkita room, houses almost 5000 volumes, both fiction and non-fiction. This week the Stage 2 and 3 children have been experiencing their Library induction, learning the Library protocols and systems. Soon the Stage 1 staff will experience their induction, after which the Stage 1 classes at Balmain will also be able to use the Library.
An adult must always be present with children using the Library, no food or drink should be taken there, hands must be sanitised before Library use and children take responsibility for their book borrowing, in line with established protocols. The Library bar-code borrowing system is currently being developed, so borrowing until the end of this term will be for at-school loans only, with take-home loans to commence in the new year. Class library access times are currently being established. Arrangements are being put in place to enable our Lilyfield classes to borrow books, too.
It has been a joy to see our children enthusiastically using the Library this week. The Library will, I’m sure, prove to be a valuable, much used and much loved resource for our children. I thank Spanish teacher, Steph, for her work in establishing the new ISMS Library.