Farewell 2021!
The day has finally arrived… the last day of term and the last day of an unprecedented year.
When considering how to word our final newsletter, it was difficult to ignore what a monumental year this has been for us all – full of challenge, uncertainty and change. If ever there was a necessity to take a breath and some quiet time to reflect on the challenges that have been overcome this year, it’s now (perhaps before the holiday festivities really kick in!). It is imperative that we, as a community, give ourselves some much deserved acknowledgement for the adversity we have admirably tackled and take the opportunity of the holidays to ‘refill our cups’. Spend time with loved ones, real time, face to face time. Enjoy the small things that we now appreciate are the big things. Eat, drink and be merry!
Today we farewell our 2021 Graduates. I have had the absolute pleasure of spending some real quality time with them over the last few weeks for which I am truly grateful for. Their transformation into young people about to flourish into adults, almost past me by, but witnessing this firsthand at our Graduation Night this week and listening to their speeches has reenergised the mission we have as a community to continue to work together to journey alongside our young people, supporting and encouraging.