Stage 3 Camp 2022

This year’s Stage 3 Camp was held at the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation in Narrabeen. Together, the students enjoyed many activities and we hope you like the photos too!

Raft Building

Would you be able to build yourself a raft and sail or paddle to freedom from a deserted island? Students were assigned the task of imagining themselves shipwrecked and washed up on a deserted island. In pursuit of freedom, they learned how to build a raft from a selection of materials and then test their rafts in a heated pool! Safe to say, we all built fantastic rafts!


Students went kayaking in pairs with double-bladed paddles whilst traversing the local Narrabeen waterways. Students really learned to work together to get their kayaks moving while communicating respectfully with each other.


Students learned to sharpen their navigation skills as they explored the outdoor terrain and enjoyed the magic of outdoor life using compasses, a map and landmarks to get around.

Bush Walk

Each activity group took a hike through the natural environment down to a small lake where we built campfires and made damper. We really enjoyed being outdoors while learning about the history of the local area and spotting various different types of native flora and fauna.


Students spent time pretending they were Robin Hood and learned the art of using a bow and arrow (in a safe environment). The new archers drew back their bows and aimed for the bull’s eye!

Pioneering (Chariot Building)

This was a teamwork challenge where students were required to build their own chariots out of timber, ropes, nuts, bolts and wheels. After completion, teams raced their chariots to see who would reign supreme and which chariot might fall apart before the finish line.

Overall, students had a blast participating in all of the activities at camp! Students loved the food in the large cafeteria and their favourite activity was the ‘night show’. The games during this event generated uncontrollable laughter around the campsite. The experience of camp was a great bonding activity for all the students.

We can’t wait to go again next year!